
  • Slovak Yearbook of European Union Law

    The Slovak Yearbook of European Union Law is scientific journal focused on the issues of European Union law, analysis of the examples of the transposition and implementation of EU law (from the legislative and executive perspective), the enforcement of EU law in the judicial system and case law important from the EU perspective (interpreting treaties and secondary law) as well as from the national perspectives. The comparative perspective of analyses is welcomed.

    The SYEUL is:

    • Open access: In order to guarantee the widest possible readership, all articles are available free of charge on the website, according to CC BY-NC license
    • Peer-reviewed: Submissions go through a rigorous double-blind peer-review process involving the editorial team and members of the international research community,
    • Researcher-led: All managerial and editorial work is carried out by experienced senior staff at Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, Institute of European Law, supervised by the Editorial Board.
  • Acta Facultatis Iuridicae Universitatis Comenianae

    Acta Facultatis Iuridicae Universitatis Comenianae je recenzovaný vedecký časopis, ktorý začal  vychádzať v roku 1966. Najprv sporadicky ako zborník, neskôr (od roku 1977) sa postupne  jeho periodicita ustálila na jedenkrát za rok. Spolu vyšlo 30 čísel.

    AFI UC vychádza od roku 2012 dvakrát ročne ako vedecký časopis Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Pokrýva problematiku všetkých disciplín práva a poskytuje priestor na prezentáciu plurality názorov rôznymi formami, predovšetkým výstupmi z vedeckého výskumu. Prináša články, recenzie teoretických prác a správy z vedeckého života. Každý článok je recenzovaný dvomi recenzentmi.

  • test

    Bratislava Law Review is an international legal journal published by the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (till the end of 2019 it was published by Wolters Kluwer in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava). It seeks to support legal discourse and research and promote the critical legal thinking in the global extent. The journal offers a platform for fruitful scholarly discussions via various channels – be it lengthy scholarly papers, discussion papers, book reviews, annotations or conference reports. Bratislava Law Review focuses on publishing papers not only from the area of legal theory and legal philosophy but also other topics with international aspects (international law, EU law, regulation of the global business). Comparative papers and papers devoted to interesting trends and issues in national law that reflect various global challenges and could inspire legal knowledge and its application in other countries are also welcomed.


  • ComenIUS

    Po dôkladnom zvážení sme sa rozhodli ukončiť vydávanie časopisu ComenIUS. Ďakujeme autorom, recenzentom a čitateľom za ich podporu.